On Saturday I gave a workshop on gyotaku for a local art association. I initially wondered how I would fill the time, but its funny how I always think that prior to workshops, then at the time wish that there was extra time to do all the things that I had planned. And this time it was no different.
This was my first time using squid to print with and, despite the little tentacles clinging to everything and being a bit 'ewwwwww' to me, they did produce some interesting shapes and textures. I didn't have a lot of time to play with them during the class but will as soon as I have some time.
The demonstration that I did at the workshop was a capelin, enhanced with watercolour. I started some demo work on a print over aa background but ran out of time, so its in limbo right now, waiting to push ahead or be relegated to the never never drawer.
One of the workshop participants brought in a large salted cod to print. Salt fish is a Newfoundland tradition and goes back to times when salt was the preserving agent to keep fish and meat edible over the winter once dried. Its still very common here, but is an acquired taste, not one that I've ever really become fond of.
However, because of the large size and complex texture of the flattened fish, I suggested using some coloured tissue paper to print on and it worked well. Unfortunately, the mustardy yellow of the tissue doesn't show well in this photo, but the fish shape is classic Newfoundland tradition still seen in rural Newfoundland.
Finally, the true remains of the day. The little capelin that did yeoman service during the day will have a last run at prints tomorrow, then off to the compost along with some left over squid bodies and tentacles.
More details and images from the workshop are posted on my blog
Illustrated Life.