Monday, 30 March 2009

Banks and shores and low clouds

... they are the characteristic features of my now frequent sketching location: the shores of Loch Lomond and the banks of the River Leven - and where they meet you'll get some fantastic views across the loch, towards Ben Lomond and the Arrochar Alps. Well: if you do get a view at all.

On my first visit, it decidedly looked like this here:

Loch Lomond in fog
Loch Lomond in Fog, Pastels on Board, 35x25cm

But I've been back a few times and discovered all these riches within such short reach: drowning boats, exposed tree trunks, trees in water, sandy beaches, and all amidst a bit of salty air from the sea, rain and wind in your face and the sound of seagulls and assorted other birds.

I really like this view here of where the River opens up into the Loch, plenty of bare trees in water - they are quite exquisite, don't you think so? That group in the distant, that singular tree far out in the water and the row just on the shoreline.



If I turn right and look across the river I'll get this myriad of little sandy beachers, exposed roots and grassy slopes - it needs further simplification but I'll be back, promise.

River bank, soft pastel on paper, 29x10cm

In case you wonder: I'm not here, I am away from the computer for the next few weeks, with some brief exceptions... listening to seagulls on the Pacific coast, watching flamingos in the Atacama desert (may try to sketch some); and looking out for penguins.

There should be some updates on my blog here;
Alternatively: here's some more photos of the Loch Lomond location


vivien said...

great sketches Gesa and a lovely spot to return to.

Exquisite is the exact word for the current tracery of branches with just the tiniest of leaves beginning to show. I love the way the sap rising gives a glow of colour to the twiggy branches at this time of year as well.

I'm envious of you in the warmth.

Lindsay said...

Thanks for the video clip. I really enjoy seeing both your lively sketches and the reality of the place.

I think the place where a river meets the sea is very exciting. Such interesting colors in the mixing of sedement and sand too.

Charlene Brown said...

This is a perfect study for Watermarks -- the wonderful subject matter available when you think there's no view. Here's the thing, though... it's usually much more difficult to deal with, and you make it look easy!

Pat said...

Your works are beautiful and show a wonderful point of view. I will be visiting your site often. Thank you for sharing your work.

Jeanette Jobson said...

There are so many views when we first see nothing inspiring. These sketches give a real feel for the scenes through your eyes.

Africantapestry and Myfrenchkitchen said...

Enjoy the flamingoes and gulls and penguins...and thanks for leaving us these images and sounds! Love that graphite sketches, I just want to put a frame around it!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pastels.

Gesa said...

Hi everyone, and apologies for the silence. It´s only now that I have some time and a fairly speedy internet connection. The conference had been very busy but now I´m getting in holiday mood, have uploaded some first postcards from Chile and catchin up with what people have been up too.

Vivien, thanks - yes, I just read other comments on your trees as lyrical... that´s a great description and I can see that entanglement. Nice thought, will ponder....

Lindsay: yes, I agree... that meeting point is a great spot: I think there´s something to be done with the flow of the water, different energies etc.

Gesa said...

Charlene and Pat - many thanks for your comments, they are much appreciated!

Thank you, too, Jeanette, Ronnell and diddams - nothing inspiring... hm, yes... I´m a great fan of ordinariness in my academic work, so it does make sense to turn to that for art too... in the best possible way, of course :)

annie said...

I agree. I enjoyed the video--seeing parts of the inspiration for your work is fun and it teaches me a lot.
I especially like the line work in your trees, too. I hope you are having a great time by the sea and I am looking forward to what you'll share when you get back.

karl marxhausen said...

The video does give me a better idea with what you are working from at your end.

Gesa said...

Thanks, Annie and Karl - yes, the brief videos are quite useful, aren´t they? Annie, thanks, yes! Great time by the Great Pacific :)